15.3 Libri e documenti tecnici

35 Years Ago, “One Small Step...”. Jack Yanosov. In QST, febbraio 2005.

Adventures in Celestial Mechanics: A First Course in the Theory of Orbits. Victor G. Szebehely, University of Texas Press, Austin (1989).

ALSEP Data Handling Estimates. BellComm Memorandum for File B69 05062. R. J. Pauly (1969).

An Annotated Bibliography of the Apollo Program. Redatto da Roger D. Launius e J. D. Hunley e pubblicato con il titolo Monographs in Aerospace History, n. 2 (1994).

An Introduction to Celestial Mechanics. Moulton, Forest R.. Dover Publications, New York (1970).

An overview of medical-biological radiation hazards in earth orbits. Stauber, M. C.; Rossi, M. L.; Stassinopoulos, E. G., Goddard Space Flight Center (1984).

Apollo 7 – The NASA Mission Reports. Robert Godwin, Apogee Books; ISBN 1896522645.

Apollo 8 – The NASA Mission Reports. Robert Godwin, Apogee Books; ISBN 1896522661.

Apollo 9 – The NASA Mission Reports. Robert Godwin, Apogee Books; ISBN 1896522513.

Apollo 10 – The NASA Mission Reports. Robert Godwin, Apogee Books; ISBN 1896522688.

Apollo 10 Color Television, Westinghouse Defense and Space Center News Release (1969).

Apollo 10 Optical Tracking. In Sky and Telescope, luglio 1969, pagg. 62-63.

Apollo 11 – The NASA Mission Reports, Volume 1. Robert Godwin, Apogee Books; ISBN 189652253X.

Apollo 11 – The NASA Mission Reports, Volume 2. Robert Godwin, Apogee Books; ISBN 1896522491.

Apollo 11 – The NASA Mission Reports, Volume 3. Robert Godwin, Apogee Books; ISBN 1896522858.

Apollo 11 Photography, 70-mm, 16-mm and 35-mm Frame Index. National Space Science Data Center (1970).

Apollo 11 Technical Air-to-Ground Voice Transcription. Manned Spacecraft Center (1969).

Apollo 12 – The NASA Mission Reports, Volume 1. Robert Godwin, Apogee Books; ISBN 1896522548.

Apollo 12 – The NASA Mission Reports, Volume 2. Robert Godwin, Apogee Books; ISBN 1894959167.

Apollo 13 – The NASA Mission Reports. Robert Godwin, Apogee Books; ISBN 1896522556.

Apollo 13 Television. Comunicato stampa Westinghouse, 1970.

Apollo 14 – The NASA Mission Reports. Robert Godwin, Apogee Books; ISBN 1896522564.

Apollo 15 – The NASA Mission Reports. Robert Godwin, Apogee Books; ISBN 1896522572.

Apollo 15 Final Lunar Surface Television Operations Plan. NASA Manned Spacecraft Center (1971).

Apollo 16 – The NASA Mission Reports. Robert Godwin, Apogee Books; ISBN 1896522580.

Apollo 17 – The NASA Mission Reports. Robert Godwin, Apogee Books; ISBN 1896522599.

Apollo Black-and-White Television Scan Converter. M.V. Sullivan, SMPTE Journal, vol. 79, pagg. 621-625 (1970).

Apollo Color Television Camera. L.L. Niemyer, Jr., Westinghouse Defense and Space Center (1969).

Apollo Color Television Subsystem: Operation and Training Manual. Westinghouse (1971).

Apollo Experience Report – TV Systems. Paul P. Coan, Manned Spaceflight Center Television Subsystem Manager, NASA Technical Note TN D-7476 (1973).

Apollo Lunar Landing Launch Window: the Controlling Factors and Constraints. Robin Wheeler, Apollo Flight Journal.

Apollo Lunar Television Camera: Operations Manual. Stan Lebar, Westinghouse Defense and Space Center (1968).

Apollo Over the Moon: A View from Orbit. Harold Masursky, G. W. Colton e Farouk El-Baz (NASA SP-362, 1978).

Apollo Unified S-Band System. K.E. Peltzer, Goddard Space Flight Center (1966).

Apollo: Race to the Moon. Charles Murray e Catherine Bly Cox. Touchstone Books (1990); ISBN 9780671706258.

Apollo: The Definitive Sourcebook. Richard W. Orloff, David M. Harland. Springer (2006); ISBN 0387300430.

Apollo - The Lost and Unflown Missions. David Shayler. Springer (2002); ISBN 9781852335755.

Cold War Space Sleuths - The Untold Secrets of the Soviet Space Program. Dominic Phelan (a cura di). Springer (2013).

Communications on the Moon. In Electronics World (agosto 1969).

Comparison of Measured LM/EVA Link Transmission Losses on Apollo 15 with Predicted Values. BellComm Memorandum for File B71 12012. I.I. Rosenblum (1971).

EVA Communications from Surveyor III Site on Apollo 12. BellComm Memorandum for File B69 10020. I.I. Rosenblum (1969).

EVA VHF Communications with LM on Apollo 15 Traverses. BellComm Technical Memorandum TM-71-2034-2. I.I. Rosenblum (1971).

First Color TV from Space. Warren C. Wetmore, in Aviation Week and Space Technology, pagg. 18-20 (26 maggio 1969).

Full Moon. Michael Light, Alfred A. Kropf (1999); ISBN 0375414940.

Fundamentals of Astrodynamics. Bate, Roger R., Mueller, Donald D., e White, Jerry E. Dover Publications, New York (1971).

Genesis: The Story of Apollo 8. Robert Zimmerman. Random House, New York (1998).

Gli anni della Luna: 1950-1972: l’epoca d’oro della corsa allo spazio. Paolo Magionami. Springer (2009).

Ground Control Television Television Engineering Notebook. Richard Bohlmann e coll., Manned Spacecraft Center (4/1971 - 4/1972).

Ground-Controlled Television Assembly: Final Report. RCA R-3901-F (1972).

Ground-Controlled Television Assembly: Interim Final Report. RCA R-3838F (1972).

Ground-Controlled Television Assembly: Operation and Checkout Manual. RCA (1971).

How Apollo Flew to the Moon. David Woods, Praxis Publishing (2008); ISBN 9780387716756.

Il bluff spaziale sovietico. Leonid Vladimirov, Edizioni Paoline (1976).

Journey to the Moon: The History of the Apollo Guidance Computer. Hall, Eldon C. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Reston, Va. (1996).

Liftoff: The Story of America’s Adventure in Space. Michael Collins, Grove Press, New York (1988).

Live TV from the Moon. Dwight Steven-Boniecki (2010), Apogee Books; ISBN 9781926592169.

Luna mai vista. Roberto Beltramini e Luigi Pizzimenti (2016).

Lunar Module Reference. World Spaceflight News, Progressive Management (2000).

Lunar Television Camera: Pre-Installation Acceptance Test Plan. NASA/MSC-SESD-28-105 (1968).

Lunar TV Camera: Statement of Work (Final Draft). NASA/MSC (1966).

Mankind’s Giant Leap. Robert Hotz, in Aviation Week and Space Technology, pag. 17 (28 luglio 1969).

Manned Space Flight Network (MSFN) Postmission Report on the AS-506 (Apollo 11) Mission. Goddard Spaceflight Center (1970).

Mishin Monograph on Failure of Soviet Manned Lunar Program. In JPRS Report, novembre 1991. Tradotto in francese con il titolo Pourquoi nous ne sommes pas allés sur la lune. Vasily Mishin, Editions Cépaduès (1993).

Moon Boot - The Story of the Apollo Lunar Overshoe. David H. Mather, Moonandspace.com (2014). Disponibile anche in edizione digitale presso Issuu.com.

Moon Lander: How We Developed the Lunar Module. Thomas J. Kelly. Smithsonian History of Aviation and Spaceflight Series, Dominick Pisano et al., eds. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C. (2001).

Moon Missions: Mankind’s First Voyages to Another World. William F. Mellberg, Plymouth Press, Michigan (1997).

Moonfire: The Epic Journey of Apollo 11. Norman Mailer e Colum McCann, Taschen GmbH (2010); ISBN 978-38-3652-077-5.

Moonshots and Snapshots of Project Apollo: A Rare Photographic History. John Bisney e J. L. Pickering, University of New Mexico Press (2015) (Amazon).

N-1: For the Moon and Mars - A Reference Guide to the Soviet Superbooster, Matthew Johnson e Nick Stevens con Alexander Shliadinsky, Igor Bezyaev, Vladimir Antipov, ARA Press (2013).

Network Controller’s Mission Report Apollo 11 (1969).

On the Radiation Hazards of Space Flight. James A. Van Allen, University of Iowa, in Physics and Medicine of the Atmosphere and Space, O. O. Benson Jr e Hubertus Strughold, John Wiley & Sons (1960).

Optical Observations of Apollo 12. In Sky and Telescope, febbraio 1970, pagg. 127-130.

Optical Observations of Apollo 8. Harold B. Liemon, in Sky and Telescope, marzo 1969, pagg. 156-160.

Photography Equipment and Techniques - A Survey of NASA Developments. Albert J. Derr, Technology Utilization Office, NASA (1972).

Proceedings of the Apollo Unified S-Band Technical Conference, Goddard Space Flight Center, July 14-15, 1965. K.E. Peltzer, Goddard Spaceflight Center (1965).

Progetto Apollo - Il sogno più grande dell’uomo. Luigi Pizzimenti (2013).

Radiation Hazards to Crews of Interplanetary Missions: Biological Issues and Research Strategies. Task Group on the Biological Effects of Space Radiation, Space Studies Board, Commission on Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and Applications of the National Research Council. National Academy Press (1997).

Radiation Plan for the Apollo Lunar Mission (1969).

Red Star in Orbit. James E. Oberg, Random House (1981); ISBN 0394514297.

Remembering the Space Age. Steven J. Dick (ed.) (2008); ISBN 9780160817236.

Report of Apollo 204 Review Board (1967).

Review of Particle Properties. Particle Data Group, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (1999).

Rockets and People. Boris Chertok, NASA (2005).

Shooting the Apollo Moonwalks. Sam Russell, in Apollo Lunar Surface Journal.

Soviet Moon Rocket Revealed. In Spaceflight, marzo 1991.

Star-Crossed Orbits. James E. Oberg (2002). McGraw Hill; ISBN 0071374256.

Storia italiana dello spazio, Giovanni Caprara (2012). Bompiani; ISBN 9788845271106.

Summary of Medical Experience in the Apollo 7 Through 11 Manned Spaceflights. Berry, C.A., in Aerospace Medicine 41 (maggio 1970): 500-19.

The Apollo 13 Accident. In Sky and Telescope, luglio 1970, pag. 14.

The Apollo Guidance Computer - Architecture and Operation. Frank O’Brien (2010). Praxis Publishing Ltd; ISBN 9781441908766.

The Color War Goes to the Moon. Stan Lebar, in Invention & Technology, estate 1997.

The Lunar Television Camera. E.L. Svensson, in Westinghouse Engineer n. 3, pagg. 46-51 (marzo 1968).

The Moon Programme that Faltered: Vasily Mishin Outlines Soviet Manned Lunar Project: N-1/L-3. In Spaceflight, gennaio 1991.

The Probability of an ALSEP Accepting an Erroneous Command – BellComm Memorandum for File B69 12007. J.E. Johnson (1969).

The Radiation Environment. J. Barth, Goddard Spaceflight Center.

Theory of Orbits. Victor G. Szebehely, Academic Press, New York (1967).

Tracking Apollo to the Moon. Lindsay Hamish, Springer-Verlag London (2001).

Trajectories in the Earth-Moon Space with Symmetrical Free Return Properties. Arthur J. Schwaninger, NASA Technical Note D-1833 (1963).

TV Show of the Century: A Travelogue with No Atmosphere. Stanley Lebar e Charles P. Hoffman, in Electronics (1967).

Where No Flag Has Gone Before: Political and Technical Aspects of Placing a Flag on the Moon. Anne Platoff, NASA Contractor Report 188251 (1993).

Where No Man Has Gone Before: A History of NASA’s Apollo Lunar Expeditions. William David Compton. Dover Publications (2010); ISBN 9780486478883.